Newsletter April 2022


The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. I called to the Lord, who is worthy of praise, and I have been saved from my enemies. Psalm 18:2-3 (NIV)

I'll admit it, I don't interact with many young girls outside of our summer camp season, but as I talk to parents and read about the challenges they face, my heart aches. 

Girls today are more isolated, depressed, stressed, and confused than ever. Add on to that two years of a pandemic and you've got a generation in need of healing.

The enemy delights in the peril facing girls today as his desire is to "throw truth to the ground" (Daniel 8:12), whereas God wants us to "know the truth, and the truth will set you free" (John 8:32). This summer, we have the amazing opportunity to set girls free with God's Truth and help them live the full lives that God designed for them.

A recent camper wrote about her experience saying:

"Camp Cedarbrook taught me that I don't have to be perfect to fit in, because I will always be loved in God's eyes."

Pray that we would not grow weary in doing good, that we would be faithful to the task, and that the Holy Spirit would bear fruit at Cedarbrook.

God is bringing together an amazing staff team to minister to campers this summer. These women are mature about their faith and passionate about sharing Christ's love with the next generation. 

Please pray that God will continue to supply our staff and volunteer needs, particularly a Head Cook. 

As we approach Easter, I hope you find joy and freedom in the truth of Christ's resurrection and promise of eternal life.

In Christ,

Amy "Ellie" Culhane
Executive Director
Ways you can join us this summer: 

Work Weekends - Register Here
Memorial Day: May 27 - 30
Labor Day: Sept 2 - 5

Come to camp and help set up/take down. Tasks range from skilled to non-skilled, cooking, cleaning, etc.

Volunteer During the Summer - Apply Here
Pre-camp/Staff Training: June 8 - 25
Help with set up, maintenance, office tasks, child care, cooking

Camp Season: June 26 - August 13
  • Bus Chaperone - ride the bus to/from camp and supervise campers (Saturdays/Sundays)
  • Stayover Staff - supervise campers that stay between sessions, help in the kitchen (Saturdays)
  • Cookout support - help fill cookout boxes for Tuesday night cookouts (Tuesdays)
  • Camper drop off - be a friendly face on camper drop-off day, help in the kitchen, moving luggage (Sundays)
  • Weekly volunteers needed
    • Child care support
    • Office work
    • Kitchen help
    • Maintenance 
    • Activities
We have space in almost all of our sessions, so don't delay and sign up today! More information about our programs can be found on our website.

We're particularly looking for high schoolers to serve in our service crew for the following sessions:
Week 1
Groom Aide: 1 spot
Kitchen Aide: 2 spots

Week 2
Kitchen Aide: 2 spots

Weeks 4-5
Groom Aide: 2 spots
Week 6 
Groom Aide: 4 spots
Kitchen Aide: 8 spots

Week 7 
Groom Aide: 4 spots
Kitchen Aide: 8 spots
Our most urgent staffing need is a Head Cook. Please be praying and thinking about who you know who would be a great addition to our team. We also need at least two more counselors. Spread the word!
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40 Days of Prayer


Newsletter March 2022