Newsletter February 2021

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Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.
Psalm 119:105
The days are long, but somehow we are already halfway through February! Lord willing, staff will arrive at camp in four short months - wow!

We walk each day by faith, trusting in God to sustain us and give us enough direction to take the next step.

There are many reasons to be optimistic about the return of in-person ministry at Cedarbrook this year. Advocacy work is happening at the state level to ensure that government officials know that camps can run safely and that we need to be able to communicate soon and with certainty that camp will be open! There has been a positive response so far to our message including this letter from one of our state representatives.

As we continue to prepare for summer 2021, one of our biggest staff positions to fill will be head cook. If you know of someone who would be a great addition to our team, please send them our way. The kitchen is the heart of camp and impacts every single person who attends Cedarbrook. Qualified applicants can find out more here.

Did you see our amazing staff testimonials on social media in January? You can always scroll back in our feed to be inspired by the work of Cedarbrook women. Consider sharing these messages with those you think would benefit from a summer at Cedarbrook (camper or staff).

If you have a specific prayer request that you'd like the Cedarbrook family to lift up in prayer, email me and we would be happy to pray for you today.

In Christ,

Amy "Ellie" Culhane
Executive Director
The Board of Directors met virtually on Saturday, January 30. We heard reports from Amy on finances, camper registration, staffing and other year-round operations. The Board is encouraged by the ongoing support for Camp Cedarbrook and its mission especially through year-end giving. We discussed ways we can enhance our current fundraising efforts and reach more like-minded partners for our ministry. Please join us as we continue to pray for camp and that we would be able to return to full in-person ministry this summer.
If your preferred session is full, please sign up for the waitlist - we'll be monitoring those closely and updating them as we know more about state regulations regarding COVID. For more COVID FAQs, check out our website.

The following sessions have limited availability (as of 2/10):
Week 1
Kitchen Aide: 3 spots
Groom Aide: 3 spots

Week 2
Kitchen Aide: FULL
Groom Aide: 2 spots
Explorers: 3 spots
Trailblazer Trip: 3 spots

Week 3
Kitchen Aide: FULL
Groom Aide: FULL
Explorers 2 spots
Canoe Trip: FULL
Weeks 4-5
Kitchen Aide: FULL
Groom Aide: 3 spots
Explorers: FULL

Week 6
Kitchen Aide: 5 spots
Groom Aide: 2 spots
Explorers: 3 spots
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The Case for Cedarbrook 2021


Newsletter January 2021