Wow—February flew by! My household was hit with illness this month, but as the weather warms (40 degrees—woohoo!) and the snow starts to melt, summer feels that much closer!
Camper registration is going strong, and some ages and sessions are filling up quickly. If you know a high schooler looking for a service crew opportunity (kitchen aide or groom aide), encourage them to register soon! The most up-to-date availability is always in CampInTouch.
Our Zoom Info Nights continue monthly through April, with the next one on Wednesday, March 26, at 7 PM. These are great opportunities for new families to meet camp staff and get their questions answered—spread the word!
This spring, we’re excited to co-host a Camp Day with Northern Frontier on Saturday, April 26, at Loudonville Community Church. It’ll be a fun afternoon of food, activities, and fellowship—a perfect chance for camp families to introduce Cedarbrook to their friends and build excitement for summer!
We’re Hiring! We’re especially looking for more counselors, kitchen staff, and a maintenance assistant. Working at camp is life-changing and faith-growing—send qualified applicants our way!
I’m no stranger to Northeast winters, so I won’t pack away the snow boots just yet, but I know this for sure—God is faithful, and summer is coming!