Newsletter November 2020

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Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1 (NIV)
We are less than one month from opening registration!

Set your alarms for 7am Eastern time on December 1 to be one of the first signed up for summer 2021! Please check out our website for more details on specific dates and programs and don't hesitate to reach out with any questions. We are SO looking forward to seeing new and familiar faces at camp next year!

Summer camp means summer staff! Our staff application is open and ready for quality candidates to join our team as counselors, activity leaders, support staff, and more! If you know someone who would be a great addition to our summer staff team, please send them our way.

Check your mailbox next month for our year-end fundraising letter. We need the support of our Cedarbrook family as we prepare and plan for 2021 and an anticipated increase in expenses due to COVID-19. If your mailing address has changed since last year, please email me and we'll make sure we update our records.

We are walking by faith as we trust God and His plans for tomorrow. Please join us in praying for summer 2021!

In Christ,

Amy "Ellie" Culhane
Executive Director
The Board of Directors met virtually on October 17 to hear reports from the Executive Director, discuss ends policies, and pray for the upcoming year. Officers were elected (Shellie Ware - President, Brian Conroy - Vice President, and Emily Scoles - Secretary) and we officially welcomed new member Connie Tyrrell. The Board is thankful for the support shown to camp in this uncertain year through donations of time and resources. We ask that you continue to pray and partner with Cedarbrook as we move towards summer 2021.
If you're using Amazon for shopping this year, consider selecting Camp Cedarbrook in the Adirondacks as your charity and 0.5% of your eligible purchases will be donated back to camp! It's an automatic and easy way to support our mission and it works on the iPhone app now, too! More information can be found here.
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2020 Year-End Appeal and Financial Report


Is She Ready?