Challenge Yourself This Summer!

by Hannah “Scooter” Taetzsch

Wake up, check my phone, eat breakfast, go to work...suddenly it’s 9 pm and I’m in bed. 

Does anyone else find the days and weeks blurring together? Over the last year, I have rewatched all of my comfort movies and tried to keep my routine as “normal” as possible. I attempted some new recipes and at-home workouts, but a lot of things I did were to ease the stress and tension from living through a pandemic.

I am more excited than ever to get back to a summer at Cedarbrook, because a summer at Cedarbrook means breaking out of routine and stretching new muscles!

Of our Four Arrows, the Inward Arrow is all about pushing ourselves. At Cedarbrook, we participate in fun new activities that we aren’t normally exposed to. We push outside of our comfort zones and build confidence to carry us through more challenges.

Learn new exciting skills!
One of the most exciting things about camp is the ability to try new things. We have over 12 activity areas! You can grow in your canoeing skills while also trying something completely new like archery or riflery. After a year of looking at screens, why not learn some outdoor living skills like orienteering or hiking? From the ropes course and crafts to sailing and all our waterfront activities, you will find something new and exciting to try at Cedarbrook.

Move outside of your comfort zone:
One challenge that can come with new activities is growing pains (literally). The first time you pull back on a bow, reach for a new hand-hold on the climbing wall, or try a new swimming’re using a new muscle! You might be a bit sore the next day, but it feels good because the next time it will be easier. You’re pushing yourself and expanding the boundaries of your capabilities. It’s exciting to see just how far we can grow in one week!


Gain confidence to face new challenges: 
The greatest thing that comes out of learning new skills is the confidence we gain in the process. As we push ourselves through a week of trying new things, we learn that we can do things we never thought we could! We gain confidence in ourselves. If we can push out of our comfort zone at camp, what stops us from doing the same thing back at home? If we can learn new skills during a week at camp, imagine what we can do during the school year. The resilience we gain from facing a challenge makes the next one seem more manageable. The sky is truly the limit!

I am so excited to push myself this summer through learning new skills and taking on challenges. I am ready to break out of my routine and comfort zone. Will you join us this summer and push yourself to new levels of confidence and skill?


Better Together: Grow Your Community this summer!


Newsletter March 2021