Newsletter July 2024

⛺ Camp Cedarbrook July Newsletter

Even to your old age and gray hairs
    I am he, I am he who will sustain you.
I have made you and I will carry you;
    I will sustain you and I will rescue you.

Isaiah 46:4

For we have no power to face this vast army that is attacking us.
We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you.

2 Chronicles 20:12

“With Christ in the vessel, you can smile at the storm” is a familiar camp song that has taken on new meaning for us this summer.

On Tuesday, July 16, we experienced a confirmed tornado along with a serious windstorm at camp. We had to act quickly to shelter everyone in the crawl space beneath the rec hall. After the tornado warning expired, we emerged to survey the damage. We were stunned to see a multitude of trees down and the power out, but through the storm, God protected every single person, vehicle, and building!

At the beginning of the week, I had shared two “breath prayers” with our staff:

Inhale: “You made me and sustain me.”

Exhale: “You carry me all of my days.”

Inhale: “I don’t know what do do;”

Exhale: “but my eyes are on You.”

I had no idea how necessary those prayers would be in the coming days as we experienced the power of nature, the uncertainty of waiting out a storm, the frustration of lost power, and the cleanup thereafter.

We serve an amazing God who carries us, sustains us, and protects us! Amen! I’m so glad that all of our campers and staff now have a tangible example of God’s faithfulness and protection that they can carry with them throughout their lives.

I’m incredibly impressed by our staff, who responded quickly and calmly, holding it together in the days that followed. Many took on additional cleanup tasks related to the damage. They are simply the best!

Please keep praying for the ministry of Camp Cedarbrook. Our camper sessions run until August 10! Pray for our safety and protection this summer and that we would continue to praise God through the storms!

Amy “Ellie” Culhane
Executive Director

P.S. We are blessed to have a generator that powers essential functions such as water and the kitchen. However, we are looking to replace it in the near future. Please read more below to find out how you can help!

Summer Fundraiser

We are continuing to raise support for our summer fundraiser, focusing on the following projects. While our original goal was $25,000, we’ve raised it to $50,000 to include purchasing a new generator. This will ensure we can reliably provide essential power during outages like the one we just experienced!


  • New Vehicle: Providing safe and reliable transportation for camp programs

  • Vehicle Repairs: Maintaining the current fleet to ensure safety

  • Computer Technology Upgrades: Enhancing administrative efficiency

  • Camper Mattresses: Providing comfort for better rest and health

  • New AED: Ensuring safety with up-to-date emergency equipment

  • Horse Fence: Securing a safe environment for horseback riding activities


Newsletter August 2024


Newsletter June 2024