Newsletter June 2024

⛺ Camp Cedarbrook June Newsletter

‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.
Matthew 22:37-40 NIV

Get ready, because Summer 2024 and our 59th ministry season have arrived! We're thrilled to have seen so many prayers answered leading up to this season, and we hope you'll continue praying with us as we tell the next generation about Jesus.

If you're searching for ways to support us, consider becoming an Alumni Prayer Partner, where you'll be matched with a summer staff member for prayer and encouragement, or contribute to our Summer Fundraiser to help cover unforeseen vehicle expenses and more. Your support today guarantees an unforgettable summer for our campers!

We also need a bus chaperone TO camp on the following Sundays: June 30 & July 28. Email me if you’re interested! It helps if you live near Albany or New Hyde Park, NY.

I was so encouraged by one mom’s feedback after our Mother/Daughter retreat this year. She wrote:

“It was our first time and it exceeded my expectations. I wish I had known about Cedarbrook years ago. We made new friends in Christ and I felt His presence all weekend. My daughter really needed time with other girls. She made a ton of new memories. The staff felt like family and that is a unique and heartwarming feeling. Looking forward to next year and my daughter wants to come for a week!”

Stay tuned for more updates on God’s work at Cedarbrook this summer!

Amy “Ellie” Culhane
Executive Director

Summer Fundraiser

Support Cedarbrook financially this summer as we seek to raise $25,000 to go towards the following projects:

  • New Vehicle: Providing safe and reliable transportation for camp programs

  • Vehicle Repairs: Maintaining the current fleet to ensure safety

  • Computer Technology Upgrades: Enhancing administrative efficiency

  • Camper Mattresses: Providing comfort for better rest and health

  • New AED: Ensuring safety with up-to-date emergency equipment

  • Horse Fence: Securing a safe environment for horseback riding activities

Summer 2024 Dates!

Pre-Camp Staff Training

The Camp Cedarbrook team is on fire, gearing up for camp! We've held sessions on cabin management, emergency procedures, First Aid/CPR, and more! We're thrilled to have such a passionate team ready to make this camp season unforgettable!

Our staff recently engaged in an enriching training session with Amy Alfonso at Mediation Matters! They gained valuable insights into conflict styles, active listening, among other critical skills. It's all part of our commitment to making Camp Cedarbrook a welcoming and supportive community for everyone involved.

Thank you, work crews!

A huge note of gratitude for the outstanding team from Sparta Church who were with us in mid-May, and the selfless volunteers who made our Memorial Day Work Weekend successful. It's their dedication and enthusiasm that are the building blocks of our camp, and we're beyond thankful.

We still have space in most of our sessions, so sign up today! The following sessions have limited availability (as of 6/19):

You can find more details and information on our website.


Newsletter July 2024


Newsletter May 2024