Newsletter October 2022


The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. I called to the Lord, who is worthy of praise, and I have been saved from my enemies. Psalm 18:2-3 (NIV)

Mark your calendars, registration opens December 1!

We are so excited to share with you our dates for Summer 2023. Back by popular demand is week 7! It was such a joy to have a full summer of ministry with so many campers - looking forward to seeing you all back at Davignon Pond very soon.

Week 1: June 25-July 1
Week 2: July 2-8
Week 3: July 9-15
Week 4: (single week option for Pathfinders only)July 16-22
Weeks 4-5 Two Week Experience: July 16-29
Week 6: July 23-August 5
Week 7: August 6-12

You can find more details and information about special programs on our website

It was my privilege to read all of our parent surveys from the summer - wow - God is growing girls through the Camp Cedarbrook experience! One mom wrote the following:

"My daughter LOVED camp! From the very first “Cedarbrook Ignite” activity to the day she left, her excitement was high. We cannot thank you enough for bringing her so much joy, for taking care of her so well, and for giving her one of the best experiences of her life. She’s looking forward to coming back next summer! Hopefully for more than one week! "

Let the countdown begin!

In Christ,

Amy "Ellie" Culhane
Executive Director
Give Now
Thank you to our Labor Day Work Weekend crew! You helped us close up camp for the winter and we couldn't do it without you! 
The Board of Directors met at Loudonville Community Church on Saturday, October 15. After hearing a report from Amy on the summer and plans for next year, they spent time working on ends policies, governance, and assigning tasks related to engaging with our ownership. We would like to thank Brian Conroy and Jenny "Skylar" Johnson for their combined twelve years of service to the Board of Directors as they ended their terms. The Board welcomed back Colleen "Kiska" Heinze at this meeting as well.
Monthly Giving to Camp
We currently have around 50 monthly donors that support camp faithfully. It is my prayer that this number would double in the next year.

Monthly giving has a dramatic impact on our ability to forecast and plan for the future. You can easily set up a recurring gift online with no minimum amount. Here's an example of how your gift can be used at Camp Cedarbrook:

$10/month: Training fees for 3 Lifeguards
$25/month: 2 weeks of pay for a Junior Counselor
$50/month: 3 months of internet service provider fees
$100/month: Craft supplies for the summer
$150/month: EpiPen supply for emergencies
$250/month: 1 week of food during the summer!
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Newsletter November 2022


Newsletter September 2022